Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sunday, June 19

Happy Fathers Day to all of the dads out there!  I'm so sorry we have not been updating more regularly.  The wifi has not worked consistently.

Friday morning we went back to the hospital with about 4 of the older kids from the orphanage who were not able to come on Thursday and finished up the check ups.  The Doctor sat very patiently with us and went through every single file with us and told us what every child needed.  Many of the kids had ringworm, respiratory infections, or other treatable conditions.  We were able to buy all of their medicines right there at the hospital pharmacy.  One of the babies has a serious umbilical hernia and will need surgery in a few weeks when he's a bit bigger.  Another child needs an eye consult.  We sadly found out that one of the children named Baracka has Muscular Dystrophy and is expected to worsen.  ALL of the kids were HIV negative so that was a huge praise.  We were so happy to be able to get all of them in for Doctor checks and medicine.  The entire bill for 32 people to have well checks, including blood tests, one X-ray, all the medications, and a sonogram for the grandma that lives with them, was less than what most of us would pay in the states for one sonogram. 

Friday afternoon we held our last day of VBS at the church with around 200 in attendance again.  The kids loved all of the music and seemed to have a lot of fun playing games.  Our team did an amazing job!  Brielle has done a great job leading the music.  Alexandra did a great job organizing all of the skits, and really should be an actress because she is fabulous.  Zach did a great job dressing up and playing the part of Jesus.  Steve Wolcott, Ruby, Brielle, Zach, and Callie kept them all entertained with games and activities outside.  Alexandria, Morgan, Alexandra, Nicole, and the moms all did crafts inside and kept them from rioting over crayons and glow bracelets.  All of the kids were in skits at some point and made it really fun.  Our kids are amazing and really made the kids feel special.  At one point, I caught Brielle doing a sweet thing. She had noticed a little boy who had obviously wandered in off the street. She picked him up and led him right to the front row and gave him a special seat where he could be a part of everything.  All of our TCA kids were so attentive and did things like this throughout the whole trip and we were so encouraged by them.  So many small gestures of kindness and I know we only witnessed a few of them ourselves.

Saturday we went back to the orphanage where we presented all of the donations of food, clothing, supplies, the new oven, and the 2 walkers we bought for the boys with cerebral palsy.  Pauline Stein had bought them a cake so we were able to have a proper party with them.  We also took a photo of every single person and printed them out and put a sticker with Proverbs 3:5 on the back in Swahili.  We all wanted to smuggle one of the babies home in our backpacks but we faithfully returned them with lots of hugs and kisses.  We had spent the week building a trash incinerator building for them, so we painted a verse from Isaiah about receiving a crown of glory for ashes, and Callie Orten and Alexandra left their handprints for our group.  

Last night we said goodbye to our two interpreters, Calvin and Emmanuela and our bus driver, Kona. This morning, three jeeps are coming to get us and we will be leaving for the safari park after our devotions.  We hope to be able to communicate from the hotel there later. 

Thank you for the continued prayers.



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