Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday June 13

So last night we were joined by Jons brother Brian who was able to fly in.  He got in last night around 2 in the morning, so he and the guys who picked him up at the airport are still pretty tired today.

Today we got to visit the Naurei School for Disabled.  This is the same school we went to last year where we painted and installed a wheelchair ramp.  The kids were actually off on break but several of the parents brought their kids in to meet us.  We had so much fun playing and loving on them.  We did the Crippled Lamb puppet show for them and sang and played games.  We were able to purchase them railings for the wheelchair ramp, 2 new dining tables, and 8 chairs, 4 of which will have side handles for the kids who have trouble sitting up on their own.  We were also able to repair the tables they already had and bring them flour, beans, cooking oil, and other food supplies, as well as clothing and school supplies.  Thank you to everyone who donated financially or with items to give away.  They were so grateful and send their thanks.

This afternoon, we sent a few of the men over to the Huruma Orpahanage to strategize on how to best help them.  They had begun to clean up a bit of the trash after we commented on the conditions Saturday.  We will be returning with the group tomorrow to help clean up and hold the babies.  We will be purchasing a new stove for them since the one they currently have is filling the house with smoke and fumes, which is probably why so many of them have respiratory issues.  Still trying to work out the doctor visits.

This evening after dinner we had our evening devotional and then practiced our VBS songs and skits.  Our first day of VBS will be Wednesday afternoon.  All are doing well.  Please pray for continued health, energy, and discernment, especially at the Huruma Orphanage.

Thank you!


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