Monday, May 23, 2016

Welcome to our Blogsite

Welcome to this year's TCA Mission Africa Blogspot!  We hope you will follow along with our group as we minister to the people of Tanzania.  Please keep our group in your prayers as we prepare to leave June 7, 2016.


  1. Jon and Jenni called today and said that the team made it to Arusha safely with all of their luggage. They are currently have no WIFI, so unable to update the blog and communicate like they would hope. Everyone is well. They have one that has strep, but the parent is on the trip with her. They said it only cost $6 to send her to emergency room and $6 for the medicine. Yesterday was spent resting and preparing for the mission trip. Today they had a full day of ministry.

    1st place they ministered to was USA Disabled Children's Home and had a puppet show for the kids.

    2nd place they ministered to was a High School. Callie gave her testimony. Jon and Zack gave demonstration of the belt trick and putting your faith in Jesus.

    3rd place they ministered to was an Orphanage. It was very sad conditions. Please pray for the team if they go back to minister to this orphanage next week.

    Tomorrow they will be at Olveolos Children's Home for VBS and food drive. Jon's cousin arrives tomorrow night. They will also be preaching to 3 churches, starting at 6:30 am on Sunday. Pray for the team as they minister on Sunday.

    I hope that I have all this information correct. The team will update the Blog if I have made any mistakes. Thank you! The main thing is that they are all safe and sharing Christ with others.

    1. So thankful that you made it safely! Praying that you all stay healthy for the rest of the trip! Hug Mama Jane and all the children at Olveolos for me! Don't forget the candy:) Missing my girl, but so glad that she is sharing Jesus with the sweet people of Tanzania! Blessings! Tracy
